Unknown Aloes?

by Angie Pielmeier
(Buffalo, NY)

a healthy aloe vera plant - just like mine!

a healthy aloe vera plant - just like mine!

I bought both of these plants a bit ago and can't seem to find any identification? and am wondering if anyone out there can tell me what they are? I have so many plants I'm trying to label them now.
Please Help!! =)
Thank you

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Jul 27, 2021
Names for your Unknown Aloes Plants
by: Ruth

Hi Angie,
I've added my own captions to your photos since you didn't have any. The first one is a healthy aloe vera plant of the kind I have - usually 30-40 at any one time. Although, I've started to have a sale from my front porch about once every two years and reduce my number of aloe vera plants as I only have so much room in front of the windows in this tiny place.

The second photo definitely looks like an aloe vera plant too, but it has speckled colouring on the skin. Otherwise, it looks exactly the same.

If you keep reading on my site you will find more information about how to care for them and how to propagate - that is grow more aloe vera plants from these.

Wishing you all the best with your new aloes plants, Angie!


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