Really big aloe vera

Really Big Aloe Vera

Really Big Aloe Vera

My aloe vera is 30 in. High and has sprouted young. The plant keeps tipping over because it is top heavy.

It is also flowering.

We have placed a tressel to support it but its out growing that.

Is there anything we can do to keep it upright? Thank you for any help you can provide.

Ruth's Reply:
That is a really big aloe vera plant - for a houseplant. (I've seen pictures of fields of them that are 3 to 5 feet high).

Actually, I've had really big aloe vera plants like that too.It's true. They out-grow their pots and don't have the root strength to stand up straight.

I'd be curious to know what others do in this case, but what I do is pull up the offsets (babies or pups) and plant then in a new pot, and - ready? As needed, I scrape the gel out of the leaves of the large one that is leaning over, and use up the big aloe vera plant as medicine.

Look for the link on the left side called, "Eat Your Aloe Vera" to see how to do it.


P.S. Anyone may comment and tell us how you keep a large aloe vera from falling over. :)

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Jun 13, 2016
How to keep indoor aloe vera growing NEW
by: Matt

Your aloe vera is a good size and very healthy with the leaves growing vertically.

My aloe vera has grown very very large with the leaves spraying out to the sides and all around 360 degrees this has kept it stable and I have repotted in larger pots each year for 3 years now .

I can show you a picture Im not sure where to post it


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