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It's good for you too.
Oct 05, 2015 Rating
Good postNEW by: Zander Langosh IV
Hi! Thanks for your great articles! May I share one of your articles on my site about Scary Costumes?
After publishing I will link for you as an author! Thanks!
May 15, 2015 Rating
what I know by: vasu
no it dosn't belongs to aloe family, I too hv tht plnt, I dntno name in english but tis plnt grows baby plants on leaf rims just like jades
May 14, 2015 Rating
Can you identify Larry's plant? by: Ruth
I'm sorry, Larry, but I can't tell from the photos. My first reaction is - not likely because the leaves look too thin. Is there any gel in them at all?
On the other hand, I'm most familiar with the kind I have, and I know there are many other varieties of Aloes out there. So I'll post this and see if anyone else who comes along has a better guess as to what this plant of yours is.
Hey, visitor, can you identify Larry's plant from these two photos?
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