No Picture, but My Aloe Plants Never Bloom


My aloe plants do multiply to where they start coming out of the pot, but they have never bloomed nor do they get real big, the only get about nine inches tall and although if they are trailing off to the side of the pot they will get about a foot long. The leaves or whatever you would call them do not get very wide, only about a half an inch.

I enjoyed finding your website! I grew up not far from the Canadian border in Minnesota. I would very much like to learn to identify more of the healthy herbs and so called weeds that grow in our areas. Any suggestions? I look forward to hearing from you.

God Bless you,


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Aug 21, 2015
Seeing Aloe Vera Plants Bloom
by: Ruth

Hi Katherine,
thanks so much for coming by my site.

My plants did the same as yours for many years. They appeared to thrive and multiply but I didn't even know they could have flowers. That is, until one cold, wintery February I saw that one pail full of plants had shot up a round stem in the middle and after a few days at the top was a cluster of small yellow flowers - almost like miniature foxglove bells.

I've had some of my aloe vera plants bloom since then, but I have yet to figure out what triggers the flowers, and how to help them bloom.

For the last 8 years I've been living in a small house with mostly north and east windows and those were small and drafty until now. I've just had my cousin put new and much better windows in.

So this coming winder I hope to see if more sun and an even temperature in the house will cause my aloe vera to grow bigger and to bloom too.

One almost has to envy the folks who live near the equator and can go outside and find aloes growing beside the path like dandelions. They don't even have to worry about growing them like house plants.

As for learning more about herbs, I suggest you prowl around my site, but I don't get around to putting up information about herbs as fast as I'd like so I suggest subscribing to my monthly ezine, Aloe Vera Tips and Solutions. I usually put my newest discoveries there first.

I also recommend the book, Back to Eden, by Jethro Kloss. Even though he lived in the 1800s he had done lots of research on many plants. I still look up things in my tattered copy, when I'm wondering about an herb or what is good for whatever ails me.

May these ideas get you started.


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