Help identify my aloe

by Rena
(Oakville ct )

Rena's aloe plant in a storefront window

Rena's aloe plant in a storefront window

I need help identifying this aloe ... someone have it to me 3 yrs ago .. it was a scrawny sickly little plant ... it has been thriving my my storefront window... any help with w species name would be great ...

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Oct 16, 2021
Definitely an Aloe Vera Plant with Slight Difference from Mine
by: Ruth

Hi Rena,
thank you for sharing about your aloe plant. My research has shown there to be anywhere from 300+ to even 600+ different types of plants in the Aloes family.

I would say that yours is definitely an aloe vera plant - although a bit different from mine. Yours has a bit of stem space before the next leaf starts growing. Mine tend to bunch up close together. But they are eager to grow! Just the other Saturday I separated 10 medium sized aloe vera from a small pot where they were too crowded and I was scrounging everywhere to find enough pots to put them in.

It seems when our aloe vera plants are in a room where people are often there, and breathing... they just have a yen to multiply!

I had about 16 big plants in the front porch over the summer but this last week I had to bring them in as our Canadian prairies are getting into fall and that means our temperatures get below freezing point. When I first moved here I forgot the check the forecast temperature for the night, and the next morning found 45 pots and pails full of aloe vera all hanging limp and black. I could only bury them in the garden as compost!

I trust you are enjoying your aloe vera plant and -when you have need - remember it is good medicine too!

Blessings & Thanks,

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