Frozen Aloes

by Brenda
(Olsburg, KS)

I forgot my 2 big aloes were out on the patio.

Before the weather got so nasty cold, I fell off my horse and severely injured my right hand, then I got hit by a flying deer (someone else hit it and it landed on my roof) totalling my truck, so I had to go car shopping...grrrr.

Anyway, by the time I remembered my aloes and brought them in, we had some freezing weather. Now my aloes look like a dying heap of green limp leaves. Are they beyond saving?

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Dec 19, 2016
My Sympathies - and for Your Frozen Aloe Vera Plants too
by: Ruth

Dear Brenda,
my sincere sympathies on your accidents with the horse and then with the flying deer, and your truck.

Oh my, sometimes troubles just rain on us, don't they?!

I offer my sympathies on your frozen aloe vera plants too. I'm afraid they are only compost now.

That happened to me too, when I'd moved into this house. There wasn't the huge sunroom that I had been used to, so I had put up shelves in the front porch and put 45 pots and pails full of aloe vera plants there. I knew it wasn't heated and they would have to come in for the winter, but a cold snap hit one night before I expected it, and soon my aloe vera leaves were drooping limply over the rims of the containers!

I waited a few days hoping they would revive but they only began to stink like something dead.

All I had left were six small pots of aloe vera plans inside my house. For 10 years I've been trying to nurse them into larger plants and potting their babies. But I'm far from the 45 containers full I used to have. I still mourn when I think of that loss, so I understand how you feel.

Hopefully you can get new plants to replace those frozen aloes, and start over too.

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