Dehydrating Aloe Vera Leaves For Home Use

by Kathy

I understand aloe is at it's best if used fresh from the plant but I would like to have it's healing properties on hand while I'm away from home as well. I've seen different companies that are selling dehydrated aloe leaf fillets and that started me wondering. Have you heard of anyone who has come up with a tried and true method of dehydrating aloe with a home dehydrator like an Excalibur? If so, would you please share the instructions to accomplish this?

Thank you!

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Sep 14, 2015
Dehydrating aloe vera leaves
by: Ruth

Not sure why I haven't noticed this before (maybe I okayed it so quickly I forgot).

I confess, I have not heard about dehydrating aloe vera leaves, although it may well be possible.

Somehow though, I think the methods that Forever Living use would be better than dehydrating. I think more of the goodness is kept in the gel that they put into their products.

I'm not scientist, so I don't know that for a fact. I suggest we search for the answer.

Anyone else who knows for sure about dehydrating aloe vera leaves?


Mar 30, 2014
dehydrating aloe vera
by: Anonymous

I am not sure how long ago this question was posted but I am going to look on youtube to see if there are any videos on dehydrating aloe vera I am very interested in this also.

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