Can Frozen Aloe Vera Be Revived?

by Angela
(Newton, MA, USA)

Hi Ruth,
my aloe vera plant froze during the first frost, I forgot to bring it in :( Is there anyway to bring it back to life?

My sister picked off all the stems and now it is just a pot of roots. Will the stems ever grow back?

Thank you!

Hey, Angela!
I'm sorry to hear of your loss due to the frosts. It happened to me too, so I know your sinking feeling of disappointment. My description and photos of my frozen plants are on my plant care page

To answer your question, no, I'm sorry, you can't revive a plant that has frozen. If it had just had a touch of frost you could remove those leaves and it would carry on, but if the whole plant is frozen, it will stink like something dead in a few days. Throw it into the garden for compost and start with another one.

I've learned from my experience to bring my aloe vera plants into the house when there is danger of a serious over-night frost.

How fortunate those who live in warm climates where their aloe vera can grow outside like weeds. In northern climates we have to pamper ours as house-plants, especially in the winter.

No, sorry, frozen aloe vera can't be revived. Of course, someone might just comment here and tell us some amazing story to contradict that - right?


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Jan 05, 2018
frozen aloe NEW
by: donna

Can you use aloe vera after ithas been frozen then thawed out?

Feb 08, 2015
I saved mine!
by: Mike

So about a month ago my furnace died on a very cold night and i had to stay at a neighbors house. I completely forgot about my poor aloe plant and after 3 days of freezong temperatures it was frozen solid. I didnt know what ti do! I loved my plant, had it for 5 years and it was a monster. I took the plant to my neighbors house and put it in front of the fire to thaw and though alot of the plant turned brown, the core remained a bright green and i am happy to say a month has passed and the plant seems to be doing great! So the moral of the story is never say never!

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