Aloe Vera While Pregnant?

by Confused

Hi my name is Prodens. I have aloe Vera plant on my back yard. I've started cutting the leaves and boiling them, let it cool down then I drink it 2 table spoon twice a day. I use to have Metrorrhagia, an abnormal menstrual bleeding and pains. I've been using it for like 7months now. The pains and the abnormal bleeding is all gone. And since I started drinking it, I never fell sick either flu in winter or any little illness. I've been healthier than ever before in my life. But now i'm 5 weeks pregnant, I wanna know if is it safe to continue using or not? Will it do any harm to my baby?
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Jan 04, 2016
Careful Decision about Aloe Vera While Pregnant
by: Ruth

Wow, Confused!
I love your testimonial of the healing powers of aloe vera.

First of all, I'm rather surprised that you had such wonderful results after boiling and cooling the aloe vera gel. I was under the impression it had to be in a raw state, for the aloe vera gel to do it's best work.

I'm no medical professional, so if I were you I would contact a number of doctors - but look for the ones that don't have closed minds to the benefits of aloe vera. You could ask around among other women who have been pregnant and ask them if any of them continued to take aloe vera during a pregnancy.

My personal opinion - since you're asking, is that if two tablespoons of aloe vera have not harmed you - only healed you - then it could not do any harm to your baby.

BUT - just in case there is danger of the aloe vera causing the baby to come on too soon, or to lead to a miscarriage, I would hesitate until it is possible to get a more definite answer.

Natural logic would say - what's good for you is good for your baby - wouldn't it?

You know, it occurs to me that I could ask at certain labs where aloe vera is tested. Maybe I can come up with a more definitive answer for you and everyone else who wonders about this. I'll get back to you if I can get an answer.

Blessings & thanks, & Congratulations!

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