Exhausted? Wound up too tight? Here's some teas for relaxing you, to help you get a good night's rest
For Basic Tea-making Instructions, see Herbal Teas
Now for a number of variations. Try the one with the combination of herbs to make teas for relaxing, ingredients that you can get in your area.
There are so many ways that our immune systems can be overwhelmed; it's in our air, our water, our food, our workplace, our stress. This blend of organic and wild herbs is not only helpful but comforting, strengthening and tasty. Of course, this tea is for relaxing too.
1 part red clover blossoms
1 part nettle leaves
1 part pau d'Arco
1 part alfalfa and sage leaves
1 part St. Johns wort tops
1 part ginger root
1 Teaspoon Hops
1 Teaspoon Gotu Kola
Drink this one twice a day.
1 oz Lemon balm
1 oz Chamomile flowers
½ oz St Johns Wort
Steep 2 tablespoons of this mixture in 1 cup boiled water. Cover 10 minutes; strain. Very soon you're drinking a tea for relaxing.
1 part Sage
1 part Thyme
1 part Marjoram
1 part Chamomile
2 parts Rose
1 part Mugwort
1 part Peppermint
1 part Jasmine
1/2 part Cinnamon
Drink to cause dreams.
Combine all ingredients thoroughly, fill tea diffuser with just 1 teaspoon full per cup of boiling water. Voila, there's your tea for relaxing!
When the sun sets over the hill and the new moon dips her silver softness, savour the tranquility in our evening repose blend. It's a perfect toast to the rising moon. A robust flavour of flowers and mint to help you relax.
1 part roses
1 part lavender flowers
1 part lemon verbena leaves
1 part chamomile flowers
1 part each peppermint and spearmint leaves
1 part blue malva flowers
pinch of stevia
1 ½ oz dried Vervain leaves
1 oz Chamomile
½ oz Spearmint
Mix all three herbs and add to 1 cup boiling water. Steep 8 minutes; strain. Now take your time to sip your tea for relaxing.
Relieves stress, It especially relaxes the lower back and neck areas.
1 part chamomile
1 part mint
1 part calendula flowers
This relaxing tea is made with the most palatable of the calming herbs. Blended together, they'll defuse stress and anxiety and promote sound sleep.
1 teaspoon chamomile flowers
1 teaspoon lavender spikes
1 teaspoon kava leaves
1 teaspoon lemon balm leaves
1 teaspoon marjoram
1 spray valerian flowers
1 quart water
In a large saucepan, steep the chamomile, lavender, kava, lemon balm, marjoram, and valerian to taste in the freshly boiled water. Strain out the plant material. Drink the tea hot or cool as often as needed, refrigerating any left over for later use when you need a tea for relaxing.
CAUTION: Chamomile is in the rag weed family, and some are allergic to such herbs. They get hay-fever.
1 1/3 oz. St. John's Wort
1 oz. Lemon Balm Leaves
1 oz. Valerian
Use 1 teaspoon of the herb mixture per cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes, strain, sweeten if necessary. Drink a cup before going to bed each night for several weeks to calm nerves, lift your depression, and help you fall asleep more easily.
1 cup mugwort
1/2 cup rose petals
1/2 cup chamomile
1/3 cup lavender flowers
1/3 cup catnip
2 tablespoons mint
Good for anytime of the day or right before bedtime. A child's tea for relaxing.
1 part raspberry leaves
1 part catnip
1 part each spearmint and skullcap leaves
1 part calendula flowers
a pinch of stevia
1 part oregano
2 parts Chamomile
1 part lemon balm
1 part lemon thyme
2 parts chamomile
1 part lemon balm
1 part lemon peel
1 part thyme
2 tablespoons Hops
1 teaspoon Lavender
1 teaspoon Rosemary
1 teaspoon Thyme
1 teaspoon Mugwort
1 teaspoon Sage
1 Pinch of Valerian Root
Put just a teaspoon of the mixture into a cup of hot water. Let sit for 3 minutes then strain. Store the unused portion for future cups of tea.
1 part mint
1 part hyssop
1 part oregano
1 part parsley
1 part lemon balm
1/2 cup sweet hops
1/2 cup mugwort
1/8 cup sweet marjoram
2 ounces Hops, dried
2 ounces of chamomile, dried
1/2 ounce Eucalyptus leaves, dried
1 ounce Lemon Balm
1 ounce Orris Root powder
3 drops Lemon Balm essential oil
You can put some of this mixture into your coffee maker and brew it there.
1 part (1 teaspoon) valerian root (dried)
1 part (1 teaspoon) chamomile flowers (dried)
This is great at night before bed.
2 parts Red Clover blossoms
2 parts Rose Hips
1 part German Chamomile flowers
1 part Peppermint leaves
1 teaspoon hops
1 teaspoon chamomile
Boil 4 cups water in a glass or porcelain pot. Remove from heat and add the hops and chamomile. Cover with a tight lid and steep for five minutes. Now strain out the herbs, and put the liquid into a four ounce glass bottle once it is cool enough for the baby to nurse it.
Again, be mindful of those who have allergies. Try only very small amounts on a baby or child, and then wait to see if they have a reaction. If there is doubt, then don't!