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Yes! Aloe Vera for Your Scalp!
October 01, 2018

Aloe Vera Tips & Solutions
monthly newsletter/ezine of
Vol. 7 #83 October 1, 2018

Taking Care of Ourselves - Yes! Aloe Vera for Your Scalp!
Getting Along Well Without Your Gall Bladder
I Recommend - Extend Contest - and 3 Harmful Foods
Contact & Policies

Yes! Aloe Vera for Your Scalp!

Here's my answer to Fern's question: Yes! Aloe vera for your Scalp is good!

Fern wrote in reply to my contest for topics: "I do have a topic I desperately need help with. I'm assuming I have some kind of scalp disease as my scalp itches terribly. I'm losing my hair at a fast rate. This has been going on for 6 months or so, but is getting worse. My hair is so thin now that I can see bald spots. I don't want to use any harsh chemicals on my hair. I have not gone to a dermatologist for this reason. I'm wondering if aloe vera would heal scalp diseases? If so, how would I use it, how much, and how often?

I am a big fan of aloe vera, and use it daily, especially on my face and hands for dermatitis. I also use aloe vera shampoo and conditioner.

My Answer in More Detail

There will always be those who like to disagree, but even then they often give in grudgingly. This note on: is quick to state that aloe vera's ability to prevent hair loss or regrow hair is extremely questionable. However, it is believed to soothe the scalp and, as aloe vera gel contains polysaccharides and glycoproteins, it is thought that they can stimulate new skin growth. Oct 20, 2010." (So that's an old comment).

You are on the right track, Fern! Aloe vera is definitely good for your scalp. I'm glad to see you already use it as a shampoo and conditioner.

But say, is it possible that those products have other ingredients that your scalp may be allergic to?


Let's take a look at what is in the pure straight aloe vera gel in the plant leaves, and then we'll consider this question again about other products.

First, consider that aloe vera has most of the vitamins, amino acids, antifungal and antibacterial properties that our bodies need. In generous quantities! Aloes plants have been used for centuries for the healing properties, so the best way to use it would be straight from the plant.

Products with aloe vera, that are made by humans, can be a decent second best, but they have to add extra ingredients to keep the aloe vera from drying out or going rancid, so there are presevatives and other chemicals that might have undesired effects on us.

There is an excellent article, 10 Great Reasons for Including Aloe Vera for Dry Scalp in Your Daily Routine online. It does a very thorough summary of all the good benefits aloe vera is to our bodies. All would apply to our scalps, but take note of these benefits in particular;

It’s Good for the Skin
Aloe has Antibacterial Properties
It is an Antiseptic
It Promotes Healthy Hair
Fighting Against Dandruff
Inflammation Reduction

So...if you are tired of having a dry, or itchy scalp, learn to love aloe vera!

How to Apply Aloe to Your Scalp

If you do a search online you find more and more sites now praising aloe vera very highly, and giving practical suggestions, such as: to soak your scalp with aloe vera gel and cover with a shower cap for the night. You could, if you want to, add olive and avocado oils. If you do, just remember to shampoo and rinse out the oils in the morning. Some of these could get rather sticky and start attracting dust and other debris, which would make your hair feel - not so nice.

Some sources say that aloe vera will cause hair to grow again on your scalp. I don't know that from personal experience, but I'm inclined to believe it, for aloe vera does contain polysaccharides and glycoproteins. I suggest you watch your own hair and scalp if you try this treatment over a period of time. Meaning, that you repeat it more than once to prove it is always true.

One website noted that some researchers are checking for aloe vera to be a possible treatment for a chronic plaque psoriasis. (That was dated July 6, 2017). A dry, itchy scalp could be caused by an infection, though not always. For such cases, the ingredient Bradykinin, which is in aloe vera, might be the very thing needed to clear up that infection.

My Own Itchy Scalp Story

I have said for years that if I don't wash my hair about every other day, my scalp gets itchy and oily. So I just make sure I have at least three baths with hair washing a week. Lately though, I've noticed that if I go to bed with my mind and imagination super busy (ie. seeing a story played out in my mind as if watching a new movie), then it doesn't take long before my scalp gets very itchy. As I scratch my scalp my hair gets more oily. This has caused me to wonder if a very active mind can cause a nervous itch on the scalp. But I don't want to start taking medications for this - if I can help it.

On the other hand, it got me to thinking I should experiment for myself with aloe vera massaged into my scalp for the night, then tied up with a kerchief or towel until the morning when I have my bath.

Here's my report a week later:
I remembered only late Monday night, and decided I wouldn't take time to open an aloe vera leaf and work that that. Too time-consuming. So I tried to rub some aloe vera gel from a bottle into my scalp. I found that rather tricky, as it went more into my hair than on the scalp. The kerchief I tied around my head came off on the pillow before I even fell asleep. But my hair did feel more luxurious during and after my bath the next morning.

Wednesday night I remembered my plan in enough time to cut a leaf, scratch the aloe gel out with a spoon, and cut it up in small bits. These I then rubbed into my scalp. Again, I had to really work at smearing and rubbing the gel into my scalp. My hair kept getting in the way! However, I persevered longer, and felt my scalp relax as I settled into bed.

Saturday night I forgot completely. I'm sorry, I had hoped to have 3 experiments done by today. But I'll keep trying for another week or two, and let you know if I discover anything profound.

If you are willing to experiment with this and let me know your results, I'll be happy to include them next time.

Getting Along Well Without Your Gall Bladder

Melanie Hauner sent in this suggested topic after last month's issue, but you have yet to respond with your mailing address so I can send you the free sample of Aloe Heat Lotion.

I wish we had known about aloe vera when my Mom had her gall bladder out and 29 gallstones picked out of her liver. That was years ago, but Mom suffered a lot as a result of all that for many decades.

As I researched living without a gall bladder I came across a page on a website that does a great job of answering this question. I want to give them credit for the main points here and suggest you visit that page for a very good article on this. what-to-expect

These surgeries are much less invasive now, and you can recover more quickly after have your gall bladder removed. But it did very important work in your body, and now your liver has to create the bile to digest your food, and since the gall bladder is not there to regulate the flow, you are likely to get sudden dumps of bile, - which creates problems for you Perhaps a bitter burp, or difficulty digesting your food properly.

At the beginning you should stick to clear broth soups, gelatin, and things like that to give your digestive system time to adjust. Stay away from greasy fried foods, and too much spice.

Over time you can gradually add solid foods back into your daily diet. Be sure to include fibre-rich foods, but very gradually. If you go back suddenly to whole-grain foods, nuts, and cereals, and the vegetables from the cabbage family, you are in danger of severe diarrhea, and bloating and stomach cramps.

You would be smart to keep a notebook handy, and jot down everything you eat, and when. Then, when you get uncomfortable with those symptoms, it will be easier for you to pinpoint what might have brought the painful distress. That way, you know what food to keep at arm's length a while longer.

Most often, after a gall bladder removal, you will have to go to the bathroom more often. You may feel you have to give up eating all day. However, by the end of the day you are so famished that you may give in and binge eat. Sorry, that is not going to help you!

Get on Friendly, Co-operative Terms with Your Liver

Your gall bladder is gone for good. Now it is time to get on friendly cooperative terms with you liver. You want to train it not give you you great dumps of bile at once in your stomach and colon. Do that with small meals and holding back on grains and dairy products. Work in more bitter foods like lemon and greens, yet, as with everything else, in moderation.

To keep up your nutrition, I would suggest you add some vitamins and minerals. Particularly Vitamin D - (although, I learned just recently that it has been discovered to be a hormone more than a vitamin. No wonder it helps to lift a down-hearted soul, especially in the darker months).

Above all, I would include a half cup of aloe vera juice at least once a day. It will just do a gentle healing wash throughout the digestive tract, and keep you well. Still having a well-behaved gall bladder myself I cannot speak from experience. Only, that I know aloe vera a good insurance against things going wrong in our bodies.

I think I would take some digestive enzymes too, at least for the first while. Remember, we want to build up our general health and wellness, so that l

I Recommend - Extend Contest - and 3 Harmful Foods

I have really appreciated the topics that Fern and Melanie sent in. I have saved one more idea for the next issue; skin care with aloe. So in case you just totally missed my invitation last month call for topics for future articles in the Aloe Vera Tips & Solutions (AVTS), and that I promise to send you a free sample packet by mail, of the Aloe Heat Lotion from Forever Living - I will extend this contest another month. Do send me your suggestions, as it helps me to write what is most helpful to you.

One other tip: I recently found this website, and although the whole point is to sell you the woman's remedies, it is up to you whether you do that. I just found for myself, that she gave away a lot of good information, about what foods we may be eating without realizing that they are what keeps us gaining weight. When she finally revealed what does help, I had an "Ah-ha!" moment. I'd be curious to know if you can also spot that special information.

Check it out for yourself here; 3 Harmful Foods

Contact & Policies - Constant

CONTACT INFO: Ruth Marlene Friesen (306)856-7785
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