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A Patch for a Good Night's Sleep,
May 11, 2020

Aloe Vera Tips n' Solutions - May 11, 2020

Aloe Vera Tips & Solutions
newsletter/ezine of
Vol. 9 #105 May 11, 2020

Taking Care of Ourselves - A Patch for a Good Night's Sleep
A Doctor Disappointed in Clinical Research
Contact & Policies

A Patch for a Good Night's Sleep

Last issue I told you about a patch to wear on your arm that deals with the neurology of your immune system. That same company has now come out with a patch you wear overnight and it gives a a full night's sleep with excellent REM work. Again, a non-invasive, non-medical way to affect your neurology. Just this time it works on the Sleep part of your brain. Dr. Mark Debrincat has done many brain-mapping studies, and observed how this patch changes the colour (thus the nerves) in that area of the brain and provides the person with measured housekeeping time in each stage of our sleep patterns.

I believe in doing thorough research first, not just buying a product on impulse because someone raves about it. So I suggest you go to this website, (assuming you are willing to check this out for yourself), and click first on the the word "technology" at the top. Read up on how this human performance technology (HPT) works. Then click on "News & Stories" at the top, and watch a number - or all - the testimonial videos to see what first-hand experience is like. Lastly, if you are willing to try these products yourself, click on "Shop" at the top, and order the products seem to be best for you. Rest assured that they will do you no harm. You take no medication orally. These patches (3 kinds), and the socks, apply just a little pressure on the nerves under your skin, which then affects the right part of your brain to bring some interesting improvements!

A Doctor Disappointed in Clinical Research

A subscriber who is alert to a lot of front-line news in the Health and Wellness field, has passed on this telling quote, which I think has to do with so many mixed messages about the coronavirus.

It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.” – Dr. Marcia Angell

Do the news reports on the COVID-19 pandemic confuse and discourage you too? Let's look to God and not humans - or even science in general - to deliver us from evil.

Contact & Policies - Constant

CONTACT INFO: Ruth Marlene Friesen (306)856-7785
903 23rd Street West, Saskatoon, SK. S7L 0A5 Canada.
(If it is your first contact with me, you will to be asked to confirm
by clicking a link in an email before you can get through.
That is just the kind of security we enjoy at SBI)

POLICIES: I am definitely against S/p/a/m! I Will NOT share your
information with anyone. Integrity as a Christian, and as a
business woman is my personal standard.
Your email address WILL NOT be shared with anyone!

COPYRIGHT (c)2020 Ruth Marlene Friesen

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