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Experimenting With Aloe Vera Juice Recipes,
March 23, 2020

Aloe Vera Tips n' Solutions - March 23, 2020

Aloe Vera Tips & Solutions
newsletter/ezine of
Vol. 9 #102 March 23, 2020

Taking Care of Ourselves - Experimenting With Aloe Vera Juice Recipes
Want to See My Giant Aloe Vera?
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Experimenting With Aloe Vera Juice Recipes

This huge aloe vera plant in the window right in front of me is so big it tilt the pot. I've decided to do some experimenting with aloe vera juice recipes and see if maybe I produce an info booklet that would appeal to others. I think I may end up creating some new recipes of my own! I may even try to do some videos about this too. Though YouTube has plenty already!

First it has taken a while to get started, but I've now I've done this a few days in a row, and I'm hoping it will soon be a new habit.

My very first one in a long while (as I used to make these drinks more often when Dad needed them for his health), was very simple; the gel scratched out of one long leaf, put in the blender with some water and some frozen blueberries. It made a tall mug full of a cold and delicious drink.

It happened that I had a cold sore, or perhaps the start of a cankersore just inside my lower lip. The proverbial counsel is to wait 8 days and it will clear up on its own. However, by the next morning that sore inside my lip was gone! A victory like that can get the enthusiasm pumped up. Now I'm wondering how many days it will take until that ocassional arthritis in my neck will be cleared up.

Here a few other quick recipes I've gathered from YouTube and from Bob, a helpful reader who is a fountain of information. By the way, some recipes will take me longer to try because I have to hunt up these unusual ingredients. (Remember, I live in Canada, and tropical items have to be imported).

A Pretty Tropical Aloe Vera Smoothie

A combination of coconut water, orange juice, pineapples, kiwi and cucumber with the aloe vera gel produced one with an unappetizing greenish colour reported one article.

That person switched to coconut milk, frozen strawberries, a banana and about 1/4 cup of the gel from the aloe vera plant. She was thrilled with the taste and colour of this combination.

Aloe Vera Blended With Lemon Juice

Another website article said to cut your aloe gel into smaller pieces and blend with 2 cups of water and 1 juiced lemon for 30-40 seconds That same article added this advice; pour the aloe juice from the blender through a nut milk bag or cheesecloth to break up the ‘sliminess’ of the aloe juice.

Personally, I find that if you buzz the blender longer, there is no sliminess to deal with.

Bob's Super-Simple Recipe

Scoop out the gel from an aloe vera leaf and blend with 8-16 oz. of water. And/or add to celery juice you have already started.

Bob's extra notes:

Aloe vera works wonders internally for assimilation, circulation and elimination.

It is best to drink aloe vera juice on an empty stomach for optimal benefits.

If you've cut more than you can use, wrap remaining aloe leaf not used in a kitchen towel or plastic wrap and store in fridge, it will stay good for 1-2 weeks. (My note; I use a left-over container with a tight-fitting lid).

Aloe vera leaf that is fresh is a powerful way to flush heavy metals out of your body.

Aloe vera can be massaged into the hair and scalp to stimulate hair growth.

It can also be used as a toothpaste or mouthwash to keep the mouth healthy, clean, and free from plaque producing bacteria.

Aloe vera leaf is a miraculous healing food that is one of the oldest healing remedies and natural antibiotics in the world.

Aloe vera leaf is known to purify the blood, reduce inflammation, ease arthritis pain, prevent kidney stones, lower high cholesterol, prevent Candida, boost physical endurance, benefit cardiovascular health, and protect the body from oxidative stress.

Aloe’s clear gel can be applied externally to soothe and relieve pain from sun burn, rashes, bug bites, scratches, and wounds as well as deeply hydrate the skin to prevent wrinkles and aging.

Aloe Vera gel from a fresh aloe leaf is a wonderful antiviral that also flushes toxins out of the bloodstream and body, helping to purge the liver specifically of toxins such as pesticides.

Aloe supports the adrenals and draws radiation out of the thyroid.

Wow! What a great band-wagon! Let's all jump on and do some experiementing. You try it too, and let me know how it works for you; I may just want to add your testimonial to my e-book when I get that rolling out.

Want to See My Giant Aloe Vera?

Okay, I just uploaded to my page on Facebook. You should find it with this link

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CONTACT INFO: Ruth Marlene Friesen (306)856-7785
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