Scorched Aloe Vera Plant Can It Be Saved

by Rhonda A.
(Beaver, Utah 84713 USA)

I thought my Aloe Vera plant might like being outside.

I'm sure it Did for a minute.

I didn't think to provide it with some shade. I scorched my poor plant. I found it turning a brownish color. I immediately brought it inside and have it a cool shower.

Can it be saved? If so How?
Thank you!

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Dec 19, 2016
Reviving a Scorched Aloe Vera Plant
by: Ruth

Hi Rhonda,
my sympathies on your poor scorched plant.

I trust by now you have seen it recover, simply by letting it rest indoors away from the hot sun.

I know that there are fields of aloe vera plants in Texas and the Dominican Republic, but they must be started out there in the field, and watered often.

Our houseplants are not used to such severe summer heat, so they will get scorched in the outdoor sun.

I've had it happen too. But once they are inside for a while, and you pamper it with a few extra waterings, it will recover, and thrive again.

Aloe vera plants are life-giving and healing, and they are able to heal themselves too, with a bit of time.


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