Aloe Vera Plant Froze - Can I Re-grow it?

by Brittney Steel
(winslow az )

OK so my Aloe Vera plant froze 'cause I left it out side to get sun and forgot about it, and it froze. But I live in Arizona and it started to warm up the past few days.

Now if I cut off all the stems (leaves) down to the root and re-plant it, will it grow back?

'Cause, when my grandma's plant froze and the just scriveled up and died, I started to water it every other day it started to grow back, which was odd, cause it was in a dark corner. I just thought to water it 'cause my grandma passed away and I knew she would be sad her plant had died, cause she was too sick to take care of it.

But I wanted to know if I did that if there maybe a chance it (the aloe vera plant) to grow back?

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Feb 20, 2012
Yes, Give it a Try! Let your Aloe Vera have another Chance
by: Ruth

Hi Brittney,
my heart goes out to you in this dilemma as you want to care for the plant in your grandmother's memory. I've done that too.

In fact, it was caring for my grandmother's aloe vera plant when she lost her memory that got me started with them.

If the leaves are frozen you can only cut them off, but this plant loves to live and give LIFE! So I would at least try to plant the root and see if it won't start up again.

I've seen some very scrawny looking aloe vera plants that were about dead come back to life and start having babies again after they were watered for a while. So don't give up altogether. I think you will be rewarded and pleasantly surprised!


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